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The light spectrum and energy

The visible light spectrum is a very minute portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Although there is only a small portion of visible light, the spectrum of light that is not visible stretches far beyond this range. Humans only see a tiny fraction of the total electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic waves move at or near the speed of light. This is why the electromagnetic spectrum is the light spectrum.

The reason that some light is visible while the majority is not has to do with the frequency and wavelength of an electromagnetic wave. Visible light has wavelengths between 400 and 700 Nano meters. It has a frequency between 400 and 800 Terahertz. Any frequency or wavelength above or below this range cannot be seen by the human eye. There is a very large range of light that humans cannot see as is made clear by the image below. Furthermore, the range of light that can be seen varies from person to person and in animals.

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The electromagnetic spectrum is comprised of all the varieties of radiation in the universe. Gamma rays have the highest frequency, whereas radio waves have the lowest. Visible light is approximately in the middle of the spectrum, and comprises a very small fraction of the overall spectrum.

The electromagnetic spectrum. Image from UC Davis ChemWiki, CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

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When white light hits a prism, it divides out into all of it’s individual colors. The reason for this is because light slows down as it passes through glass, causing it to refract and spread out. The frequency and wavelength of each of these light waves is what gives them there color as they move through a prism. Violet has the highest frequency (energy) and the shortest wavelength, while red has the lowest frequency and the longest wavelength. Green and yellow are in the middle of the visible light spectrum.

If you have ever been told that the reason the sky is blue is because blue is the shortest wavelength and has the highest frequency, which causes it to bounce of of gas particles in the sky and spread out, a phenomenon called Ryleigh scattering, you might be wondering why the sky isn’t violet instead since this is the actual color that represents the highest frequency and the shortest wavelength.

The truth is that the sky is violet-blue, it’s just that our eyes interpret it as only blue. This is because the three cones in the retina of our eyes are sensitive to only three colors: blue, green, and red. These three colors are what make the perception of other colors possible. A television set works on the same principle. Also notice how when a television is first turned on the screen is blue.

Blue cones are sensitive to blue light, but they also pick up touches of green light. Red is sensitive to red light, but it also picks up some violet light. If the sky where only violet the sky would appear violet with a reddish touch, but violet and blue are very close to the same frequency and wavelength. This closeness creates a blending effect. If the sky where only blue it would appear bluish-green.

Similarly, our green cones since yellow as well as green. Since the sky is both violet and blue the green appearance in the blue and the red appearance in violet cancel out. This causes the sky to appear blue according to Forbes. Live science explains the reason for the sky being blue in a slightly different manner.

According to Live Science, the sky is blue because the cones in our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than violet. This means that the range in wavelength and frequency of blue light, which is between 380 and 500 nm is the most sensitive to cones in the retina or our eyes. Live science also says that the reason for the sky being blue is because some violet light is absorbed in the upper atmosphere.

Purple can be made artificially with a mix of red and blue. Purple is a combination of two different wavelengths of light. Violet, however, occurs naturally and has it’s own wavelength and frequency. There is only a green cone in the retina of the eye, but this cone also senses yellow. This is because green and yellow have wavelengths and frequencies that are very close in the electromagnetic spectrum. These two colors are the middle of the visible light spectrum and represent a kind of balance in the light spectrum from the extremes of violet-blue and red.

In the visible light spectrum, green is after blue, and yellow is after green, putting green in the middle of blue and yellow: the two colors that mix to get green. Red, which is at the end of the light spectrum, mixes with yellow to get orange, and orange is in the middle of these two colors in the visible light spectrum. For this blending effect to happen with light waves, the pathway would be blue light going to yellow light and turning to green. If there was an object that reflected yellow or even gold, it should theoretically absorb blue light most efficiently, producing a green aura or glow.  In the same since, a yellow object that reflects yellow or gold light should cause an orange glow in red light.

Violet has a more blueish shade, while purple has more of a reddish one. What I find fascinating is how blue and red, which are on the ends of the visible color spectrum, combine to create purple. The reason being is that if purple is the combination between these two colors and blue and red are on the ends of the color spectrum, then that would have to mean that purple would be in the middle of it.

But, instead of purple, green and yellow takes it’s place. Blue could even take the place of violet in the visible color spectrum, because the two colors are very close in frequency and wavelength. In fact, when Newton created the color wheel, he stated that blue and violet could not be distinguished by the human eye and he gave them the same meaning. Violet is blue in Newton’s color wheel.

Whatever the case, both violet and purple have many different shades, and both do look very much alike in my personal perspective and opinion. Likewise, colors are observed differently from individual to individual and from people to animals. Even though they are not the same, people use purple and violet interchangeably, and I will talk about these colors in the same way for convenience sake.

Plants take in both blue and red light. Ultra violet grow lights are specifically made with red a blue lights to accommodate the cycle that a plant goes through based on whether it’s exposed to red or blue light. While white UV lights with red and blue light in them work the best, a black light also works to grow plants. A black light gives off a violet/purple looking light. So plants can absorb light that is red and blue, or violet/purple.

This is probably because of the green chlorophyll that plants contain, allowing them to absorb this light. It is also believed that mitochondria in humans and animals originated from chlorophyll. From this we find that there is yet another connection between green and yellow pigmentation. If someone has ever looked at glow in the dark objects, they will know that these objects glow brighter in the dark after they have been exposed to white light first. In the same sense, objects that glow or fluoresce do so brighter in the presence of a black light. This is because of the ultraviolet radiation that some sources of white light and all black light emit.

The reason that objects emit light has to do with the way that a particle acts like a wave. Light behaves in a way that only allows for individual packets of light to be released at a time. These packets of light are called photons. Particles or atoms can be exited by external factors. When an atom is in it’s highest energy it is said to be in it’s exited state. When an atom is in it’s exited state, there are electrons in it’s most outer shell. If an atom looses it’s most outer electrons and shell it returns to what is called it’s ground state. When a particle returns to it’s ground state, it either transfers energy to another particle or releases that energy as a photon of light. This photon of light is a wave.

Many animals that bio-illumines glow green, with the exception of jelly fish and some others. The green pigment that is in fireflies and many other arthropods, as well as invertebrates and some vertebrates that bio-illumines are called luciferins. It can also be observed that while fireflies glow green on a dark night, yellow can also be observed in the tails of these insects as well. The enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of luciferin is luciferase.

The luciferin pigment gets it’s name from the way that it causes light through it’s glow. It is derived from lucifer, which is described as a barer of light. The ideas around lucifer are very polarized. Lucifer is regarded in the bible as an angle who feel from the heavens. The negative connotation of lucifer is symbolic to the way that light behaves, and I will explain this later on in a post about arcs.

The light matrix that I talk about below is made up of green light. The sun is classified as a yellow dwarf star, but it emits light in all colors of the light spectrum at similar intensities, causing it to look white. The majority of the earth’s atmosphere appears blue. NASA has discovered a green light on the edge of earth’s atmosphere. There is a green light on the outer edge of the atmosphere of mars as well. The reason for this is because oxygen atoms are exited by sun light.

When these oxygen atoms return to there ground state from there exited one, they emit green light. The reason that this green light appears due to oxygen returning to it’s ground state is important to note. An oxygen atom has 8 electrons, but it has only 6 valence electrons on it’s most outer shell. A hexagon has six sides and hexa means six, meaning that there is a correspondence between oxygen atoms and hexagons.

It is also the case that each atom has three 2p orbitals. These three orbitals cross, creating six lobes on each side. The x and y 2p orbital look much like the number eight with one large lobe and one small lobe. The z 2p orbital looks like an infinity sign with two large lobes.

The light matrix

There are many references to purple or violet and green. The image of the FedEx symbol below is purple/violet and green. An arrow can also be made out between the E and the X. The arrow is pointing to the right in a horizontal direction. Below Fed Ex is the word Ground. This symbolism has an important meaning. The arrow is symbolic for the way that ultraviolet radiation takes a horizontal path in the sky.

The reason that light moves horizontally is do to the spin of the earth. Light is falling down in a vertical direction, but the earth is spinning, which means that light takes a horizontal path in the sky even though it is only moving at one angle. The Ground is symbolic for the way that exited particles emit light when they return to there ground state. It may also be a reference to the natural currents of electricity that travel through the ground.

This horizontal current of energy that travels through the earth is a healing energy. This is why when people talk about connecting with nature, they often talk of taking there shoes off and getting grounded. By doing this, people are anchoring themselves to the energy of the earth and harmonizing with it.

The wearing of shoes with rubber souls has created health conditions in humans from inflation, caused by the build of of negative electrons that are normally sucked out of the body by the planet when someone stands barefoot or lays on the ground. The horizontal energy of the earth can be shifted vertically and tapped into as I will explain later on. The process of doing this has to do with violet/purple and green light.

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There is also a FedEx symbol with a darker violet/purple and orange/red. I would say that violet also pairs with orange in some way and there are other instances of it being used with purple/violet. Orange can be broken up to say O rang E. O represents the 6th letter in the alphabet, and E is the fifth letter in the alphabet. Rang is the past tense of ring. A ring is a circle. Rang is an action verb like how something rings. This is the same as how a round glass will ring if someone rubes a wet finger around it’s edge.

When something like a glass rings, it creates a vibration. And this vibration is what creates a ringing sound. My best guess is that the color orange has this name because it has to do with how a ring, which is an O and is paired with the number 6, rings to create an E, which is paired with the number 5. Maybe the Ex is not orange at all, and it is actually red. It is hard to tell to be honest. This concept makes more sense when the meaning of the name FedEx is fully analyzed numerically.

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From left to right, with each letter being paired with the number that it is in the alphabet, the number sequence is 6, 5, 4, 5,  and 24. The two digits in 24 can be summed to get 6. Therefore, there is a progression of numbers from higher to lower, and then lower back to higher. The numbers go from 6, and ultimately back to 6. To solidify what I said about orange even further, the number sequences in the EX part of FedEx, which is orange, goes from 5 to 6. I hope that this rings true with readers.

What shape has five sides? A pentagon has five sides. Penta means five. If the line in the base of the arrow in the FEDEX sign where expanded out further so that it fully covered the base of the triangle, it would be a pentagon. The X is the 24th letter in the alphabet, which simplifies down to 6 and is a hexagon shape. Hexa means six. If two pentagons are paired together at there bases a hexagon will be the result.

There are also many other symbols and references to green/violet and purple. In the incredible Hulk, the hulk is green and when he transforms, the only item of clothing that remains is purple boxers or sweat pants. In the power Rangers, the green ranger is the leader, but the only other color he wears is gold and this is very significant, hinting at a correspondence between green and gold.

Later on in the power rangers, there is a purple ranger that is a man, and then there is a women that becomes a purple ranger. The purple ranger is also one that takes a leadership role. The power rangers is very symbolic to the way that light behaves, from the diamond shapes, the colors that represent every color of the rainbow as well as other colors, and the dinosaurs. The visible light spectrum is a range of energy, and the power rangers are a range of power.

I’m not imposing the idea that this energy comes from dinosaurs that have decayed, creating fuel. Most of the fossil fuels that we use today came from years and years of decaying organic matter, and most of it is from plants, trees, algae, phytoplankton, and microalgae. Although it might be the case that we use fossil fuels in our modern era, what mainstream science will not tell the public and archeologist will not admit, is the possibility that there were civilization long before us that where more advanced and knew how to produce free energy.

It is my conviction that the symbolism in the power rangers is trying to convey that the source of energy came from secret knowledge that was obtained from a time when civilization new how to produce free energy and new about the existence of dinosaurs and the solar system long before we did. I would like to go off on a limb and say that this time of great advancement was even during a time when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. My reasoning behind this is that the power rangers is not the only show that has a symbolic link between dinosaurs and energy generation.

The show, The Land of The Lost, is set in a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Diamond shapes appear many times in the show. In the show, when different colors of crystals are combined, they create a range of different effects from explosions, and shocks, to force fields and curing the wounded.  The most notable ability’s of the crystals is in the use of the pylon, which uses all of the crystals to control the weather and the property. In the land of the lost, Enik talks about how the crystals he calls “fourth dimensional nodes” where a power source for technologies that where used by a group of people called Altrusians. The Altrusians where another name for the sleestak, which are bipedal, humanoid lizards.

In the show, the Altrusians are said to have been a peaceful race that had mastered all the secrets of the Land of The Lost. But, they could not control there emotions and there race became corrupted over time, leading to the destruction of there civilization. Altruism means to be selfless or in other words to care about others. In biology, it means any individual that seeks to benefit it’s species but not itself.

Theoretically, civilizations that lived around this time could not have used as many fossil fuels as there was not as much oil, coal, and natural gas in the ground as there is today. Angkor Watts has long been shrouded in mystery. How was it possible to move such large masses of stone in the positions that people did such a long time ago. The temple of Angkor Watts was constructed on a body of water.

The entire city is a hydraulic city. On the surfaces of the temple are different designs. One shows nine gods, which represent the nine known planets. The reason that I say these gods represent the nine planets is because there is also pictures of what look like people using telescopes on the temple. Other designs show what look like dinosaurs. It is thought that at one time the temple of Angkor Watts was covered in gold. Some believe that this was because gold is the most conductive metal on earth, and that the entire temple was used to capture energy from sunlight.

This is why the green rangers suit also has gold. It has to do with how gold is used to capture light, where the middle of red and blue is represented by green in the cones of the retina of the eye. The video by Universe inside You, on YouTube talks about Angkor Watts in the link I provided above. Angkor Watts also says a lot about it’s purpose through it’s name. The temple itself is a type of anchor that uses sunlight and the energy of the planet and the cycles of heavenly bodies in the cosmos to generate Watts of power.

The light of the universe is a matrix of green light, just like how it is depicted in the matrix. The matrix movie shows a matrix of  green vertical lines. In the matrix movie, there are two pills that represent the red and blue light spectrum. The blue pill makes you forget and go back into the simulation. The red pill allows you to wake up and exit the simulated matrix. The matrix itself is green light, but the red and blue represent the ins and outs of it. The blue light being the simulation makes sense, being that all videos on a screen first appear as a blue screen.

In the cosmos, there are also red and blue shifts. Green is the middle ground between these two polarized waves. Plants absorb red and blue light through the green chlorophyll in there cells. Blue light comes from an arc like from a welder for instance. The arc represents the full period of someone’s lifetime. The blue pill that someone takes is symbolic for how souls choose to incarnate themselves on a planet, such as earth, to live out a human experience.

By choosing to live out the human experience, they choose to forget that they were ones a soul, thus, falling asleep spiritually. The red pill is the choice to wake up spiritually and rediscover our connection with the universe and the creator. The key take away is that the blue pill makes us forget, and the red pill makes us remember: both are a choice.

The way out of the matrix is to rediscover ourselves and live out our true purpose here on earth. Though this is a natural matrix, it explains a fundamental paradox about living a physical life. Live spelt backwards is evil. And living as a physical embodiment makes our spirit susceptible to material desires and influences.

These are not all necessarily bad, but the physical life is susceptible to all kinds of sins and vices that serves as a test to developing the soul. Indeed, our entire life is a test. The devil serves as the temptations of the material realm. The Kaliyuga, in the Yugas, is a time of extreme materialism. We live in a time when material things are not used for there spiritual and more humane uses. There is a way to coexist with technology and develop our souls, but the time that we live in is shrouded with the use of technologies that are used by authorities to suppress the natural progress of the human race.

Many technologies are suppressed due to the nature of governments and the monetary system. There is yet to be invented a technology that allows us to see our auras or a energy device that uses the natural magnetic energy of the earth. Gold is the most conductive metal on the planet, yet it is used very little for electronic devices, and is instead used as jewelry and bullion. Meanwhile, banks are hoarding gold at a faster rate than any other time recorded in history.

I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with using gold as a currency or as jewelry, just simply trying to show how the materialistic view of the times is hindering our ability to use materials to most efficiently produce energy. The light spectrum or electromagnetic spectrum is energy, and everything, including the physical realm is energy.

This is what the Yuga teaches and spiritualism is ultimately about becoming aware that everything is energy. This is what Albert Einstein made clear with his E=MC^2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared) formula. Our alienation with the planet and nature through extreme materialism is cutting us off from the ultimate source of energy: mother earth and the cosmos.

The bible talks about how the devil has walked on every surface of the earth. To have lived and to be of the earth is to have lived through the devil, and this is the symbolism behind the devil. As well as a natural simulation, there is an artificial simulation that is growing and becoming a very real threat. I’m talking about the advent of the cloud, artificial intelligence, and a meta reality, which allows users to live in and occupy themselves completely with a digital world.

By doing this, people are disconnecting themselves from the true reality that they chose to live out, and the natural obstacles the present themselves in a physical world as a part of there test to develop themselves spiritually. This artificial reality that is being superimposed over the natural one further complicates things, and is what I believe to be the ultimate trapdoor or computer simulated matrix.

Back on the subject of the purple/violet and green connection. There are still many more references to purple/violet, and green. The joker, in batman, wears a purple suit and has green hair. In the Spiderman cartoons, the Green Goblin wears a purple costume, and throws orange jack-0-Lanterns that explode. The Hobgoblin, is another goblin that has green skin, wears an orange hooded cape and orange boots, and rides on a purple glider. His handbag is also purple. This is symbolic of the correspondence between purple and orange. Donatello, which is a green turtle, wears a purple bandana. In Dragon Ball Z, Piccolo is a Namekian that has green skin and wears a purple outfit.

In the Green Lantern, Abin Sur is a purple alien that is wounded and crash lands on the planet, Hal Jordan where he passes his ring on to a human that becomes the next green lantern. Abin Sur himself wears a green outfit like all the other green lanterns. From all of this, two conclusion can be drawn. When the characters had green skin, they wore purple or purple and orange clothing, and when there skin was purple/violet, they wore green clothing. It seams that the characters wore either purple, orange, or green clothing to make it easier for them to absorb whatever color of light corresponded with there skin type I.E green or violet/purple.

As well as green plants and vegetables, there are often purple ones two. For instance, there is both green and purple cabbage, lettuce, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, kale, and string beans. Furthermore, there are plants that are not green but also have purple variations like corn, potatoes, cauliflower, squash, bell pepper, carrots, and radish. It’s important to note that while these plants are not green, they contain chlorophyll, which contains green pigments. As well as purple, there are also red variations.

So while some vegetables are not green, they still have green pigments. Humans do not have chlorophyll, but we do have mitochondria, which is yellow and is in the middle of the light spectrum just like green. Some scientist think that mitochondria might have came from chlorophyll. When looking into this concept, it is clear that there are two main types of color codes. One is made up of the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow. And the other one is made up of the colors that the cones in the retina of the eye respond to, which is red, blue, and green.

I have an old Mc Donald’s plate that shows balloons on each side of a cake that Ronald is holding. In the picture, the green and the blue balloons are paired together on the left side, and the red yellow and blue balloons are grouped together on the right side. The green and blue cones in the retina are paired together, but the red is separated from this pair . In the seven chakras in the body, Green is the center chakra.

It is the heart or Annahata chakra in the chest. It’s symbol is a six point star tetrahedron. The heart chakra has to do with love. The purple or violet chakra is the crown or Sahasrara chakra, which is universal consciousness and awakening. Purple has long been symbolic for higher status and royalty. This makes sense given that purple or violet is the crown chakra.

So in this way, purple and green go together spiritually. Many religions talked about the power of unifying the mind with the heart or feeling with thoughts. Passages from the Gospel of Thomas, which was excluded from the bible, talk about this unification with ones thoughts and feelings. The green heart or Annahata chakra complements the purple crown or Sahasrara chakra. People in the past who have opened there purple/violet crown chakra have a gold glow above there head, and this is where the idea of a halo  on a head comes from. This can be seen in many famous paintings of saints.

This gold glow around a spiritually awakened individual’s head is due to the opening of the crown chakra, which is a universal consciousness. It is because of this that green also pairs with gold. The green Annahata or heart chakra resembles love, and has the symbol for the six pointed star, which is also a ring, and the Sahasrara or crown chakra is a 1000 pointed lotus that resembles a crown or the expansion of the individual consciousness to a cosmic one.

The idea of the green chakra being a ring is that it is a six pointed star, and this six pointed star has a hexagon at it’s center. A hexagon is a ring with straight edges. This idea is further solidified by the symbolism portrayed by the green lantern, who obtains his powers from a ring. The ring in the green lantern also has some important symbolism. The symbol for the ring looks like 101 rotated 90 degrees to the right. I explain the significants of 101 in the post: lines and dots: 101.

To understand why 101 is related to a six pointed star, we have to understand some basic facts about geometric shapes. Most realize that a circle has a 360 degree angle, but what is not so obvious is that a square also has a 360 degree angle. The four corners of a square each have 90 degree angles that add up to 360. Therefore, a square is a circle with straight lines. Picture a circle inside of a square or a square inside of a circle.

This is how the matrix of light behaves. Each row is a new square or circle. A diamond is basically a square that has been rotated 90 degrees. Likewise, a hexagon represents a larger ring. Each angle in a hexagon is 120 degrees and the total sum of a hexagon is 720 degrees. A hexagon is a ring that is the equivalent of two smaller rings, because a circle or square with 360 degrees when multiplied by two is 720 degrees. 720 is also a significate number.

A square can be rotated in a position that turns it into a diamond. There are lines that go through a diamond do to the way that a circle contained inside of it is composed of two lines. I explain why these lines are on both sides of a dot or circle of light in the section titled Lines and Dots 101. To understand this phenomenon completely, a complete reading of lines and dots 100 and 101 is ideal. A line or ray of light that is expanded out becomes a rectangle, and when multiple rectangles overlap like how light does, it creates squares. Within these squares and even on the outer points of them are circles.

There are horizontal lines that go through a diamond shape. One goes pass the point on a diamond; the other line crosses through where the outer edge of the circle is located. When a line passes through a diamond at the outer edge of a circle in the matrix of light, a six pointed star can be traced out. The drawing below gives a mental image of a vertical 101 sign. This green 101 pattern is a fundamental theme in the matrix of light. This type of light symbolism can also be found in the movie the matrix.

Although the letters and numbers that make up the green, vertical lines in the simulation of the matrix are not zeros and ones themselves, the green lines are ones, and the hexagons are the equivalent of circles. This idea is further built upon by the white rabbit scene in the Matrix. In the beginning of the movie, Anderson (Neo) is asleep at his desk and his computer tells him to answer the door and follow the white rabbit. When he opens the door to his apartment, his apartment number is 101. The white rabbit is also symbolic for the way that light behaves, and I will explain how in the post about arcs.

The six pointed star is created when three rays of light (two that are diagonal crosses and one that is horizontal) intersect. Also remember how atoms contain three 2p orbitals that cross. The three rays of light create six legs. If there was a fourth ray, the image would have eight legs, but the vertical and horizontal rays often do not show up at the same time and the result is a hexagon. It is not hard to envision a hexagon somewhere within the six pointed star below. The two edges of the green lines when going through a diamond create a hexagon.

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Aside from humans that are limited to the visible light spectrum, there are animals that can see farther into it. Some animals can see ultraviolet radiation, which is a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than what humans perceive, while others see infrared radiation, which has a lower frequency and a longer wavelength than what we can see. Birds, bees, reindeer, and hedgehogs can see ultraviolet light. Dogs and cats are believed to be able to see ultraviolet light.

Birds are particularly fascinating, because they can use there ability to see ultraviolet radiation to trace out the path of the earth’s magnetic field. Bees, snakes, frogs, mosquitos, and some fish can see infrared light. Humans can feel infrared radiation in the form of heat, but we cannot see it unless a heat censoring device is used. Now on to how the light matrix can be simplified down to dots and lines, of which, are ones and zeros.

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